The dynamics of hematopoiesis over the human lifespan
Li H, Cote PD, Kuoch M, Ezike J, Frenis K, Afanassiev A, Greenstreet L, Tanaka-Yano M, Tarantino G, Zhang S, Whangbo J, Butty VL, Moiso E, Falchetti M, Lu K, Connelly GG, Morris V, Wang D, Chen AF, Bianchi G, Daley GQ, Garg S, Liu D, Chou ST, Regev A, Lummertz da Rocha E, Schiebinger G, Rowe RG. Nature Methods. 2024
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If coloring cells by gene expression intensity, you can select an individual gene or multiple genes (separate each gene name with just a single space)
You can also filter which age groups are displayed or which cell type clusters are displayed, and also if you want the UMAP embedding to cell cycle regression, or not.
You can also download any plots that you make, any Seurat objects for specific analysis done on this web interface, or the full Seurat object for the entire dataset.
Gene expression comparisons can be done for a single gene, or a group of genes (separate each gene name with just a single space).
For both Group A and Group B, one can select which human age and which hematopoietic cell type cluster to include in the analysis.
For violin plots, you can choose to have the individual cells displayed, or not, and also choose to display the p-value from a Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test, or not.